Nowadays, new blockchain projects and cryptocurrencies are mushrooming. One prominent currency is none other than NEO (formerly Antshares). NEO is often referred to as the "Chinese Ethereum" or the "Ethereum killer". NEO is the first decentralized open-source cryptocurrency and blockchain platform in China. Its stated goal: To be a leader in the construction of a smart economy. The smart economy can always be created through digital goods, digital identity and smart contracts. NEO is based on a very similar operating principle to Ethereum, but it is obviously different in some features that give it an advantage. One of the greatest improvements is that it is compatible with multiple languages ​​such as, Java, Kotlin, and Go&Phyton. In contrast, Ethereum's support is limited to Solidity, a language developed by its own developers. If we approach it from here, Neo is already attracting more developers. Wider acceptance of programming languages ​​lowers barriers, developers don't have to learn a new language to write smart contracts or work with Neo. Another essential difference is that there is no need for miners. They use "ledger nodes" that are stun with rewards to run the network. In the near future, the goal is to create an ecosystem for smart contracts. The execution of smart contracts requires a virtual machine (VM): a virtual machine that combines the advantages of all other currencies. For example, faster execution speed, better performance, more complete control, and support for advanced languages. NEO Wallets: NEON Wallet, NEO GUI, NEO CLI, NEO Tracker, NEO Wallet, Ansy. Basically a great project with the potential to equal or even surpass Ethereum. Neo's biggest hurdle is China's regulatory system, and it's not a small one. After China tried to regulate the cryptocurrency industry and banned ICO projects, its future is somewhat uncertain. If China lifts its restrictions on ICOs, then perhaps we can hope that Neo will become what many are hoping for and shake up the cryptocurrency market.